Sunday, November 7, 2010

Technically True

African Kid :

When I born, I black
When I grow up, I black
When I go in Sun, I black
When I scared, I black
When I sick, I black
And when I die, I still black

And you white fellow
When you born, you pink
When you grow up, you white
When you go in sun, you red
When you cold, you blue
When you sick, you green
And when you die, you gray

And you calling me colored?

*so what now? have something to say? feel free to do so peeps :)

I'm Better of..........

Read it.
Understand it.
Digest it.
Swallow it.
And just Remember the facking shit out of u damn fool.

IM BETTER OF ON MY OWN.. (with friends)


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Just Another Day

There's nothing much I can say anymore.
I have walked a distance and
The path is different once again.
Wishing we'd do the best out of everything.
Wishing you'd understand why.
There's thousands of questions with no definite answers.
Even I have no power to that.
All I can say and for us to remember.
Hold your breath; just trace a smile.
Am sure you'd be alright because
It's just another day for you to see the world.
